Did you read this weeks RLE, Big Mac? What did you make of Rob Purdham's view of Super League in Cumbria?
For those who haven't seen it Rob was asked, "How would you work a Cumbrian SL side? Would you merge the existing clubs or start a brand new club? His answer, " If there was a Cumbrian side in SL it wouldn't take them long to produce local players of SL standard. If Whitehaven, Workington and Barrow didn't want to merge, then they could stay in the lower leagues and act as feeder clubs with a new club altogether in SL. They probably wouldn't merge, as a lot of people are set in their ways up there and none of the clubs are strong enough to make a go of SL on their own. There's so much good talent going to waste in Cumbria because talented lads can't afford to have a part-time rugby career, as injuries could affect their work, depending on what they do. If there were full-time options for players, a lot more young lads would stick with the game and make it at the highest level. Rugby League is missing out on a lot of very good talent".
Talks a lot of sense that lad.