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Mondays RL Express

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on: 10 Apr 2007, 11:45:07 am
has anyone read the RL Express this week?

did you see Martyn Sadlers column?

so its now officially a 2 horse race for the NL1 GF because windas beat lee, and casulforT havent played any decent oppositiin yet!!!

thats fine by me, think we all at haven should just sit back and  let them rant and rave about those 2, as we quietly go about our business of upsetting the applecart!!!

write us off at your peril mr sadler!!
the reverand, big mac

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Offline haven hora

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Reply #1 on: 10 Apr 2007, 05:26:44 pm
hes a idiot plain and simple if we play to our potential no one will get a sniff

Offline Haven till we die

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Reply #2 on: 10 Apr 2007, 05:37:59 pm
So Widnes are favourits because they have beaten Leig at home and Rochdale away ( They didnt have it there own way at Dale last night, Rochdale were leading at half time!)

Whereas Haven have beaten Rochdale at home and Leigh away!

Same two teams beaten by us both, but i know who i would prefer to geat away from home!

All this talk of title favourites is nonsense anyway, all it does is pile on extra pressure , and weshould just concentrate on wiining our own matches and stuff the others.

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Reply #3 on: 10 Apr 2007, 05:40:32 pm
I  was  watching  boots n all  last  week  with  Barry  Mcdermott  as  guest  with  te  usual  crew  including  Phil  Clarke.

When  McDermott  was  asked  who  he  thought  had  a  chance  he  listed  4  maybe  5  sides  and  didn't  include  us.  2  he  did  mention  were  Fax  and  Donny  who  we've  both  seen  them  off.

Stil  I'm  happy  with  that.


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Reply #4 on: 10 Apr 2007, 05:48:10 pm
So were not serious title contenders again. Thats fantastic news no pressure on us then, roll on the pussycats and wierdness 12 easy points


Offline haven lad 06

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Reply #5 on: 10 Apr 2007, 06:35:29 pm
I  was  watching  boots n all  last  week  with  Barry  Mcdermott  as  guest  with  te  usual  crew  including  Phil  Clarke.

When  McDermott  was  asked  who  he  thought  had  a  chance  he  listed  4  maybe  5  sides  and  didn't  include  us.  2  he  did  mention  were  Fax  and  Donny  who  we've  both  seen  them  off.

Stil  I'm  happy  with  that.

yeah i seen that aswel also terry o'connor said donny will be in the top 6 because they have a good stadium  ::) and when they were doing the piece for the new NL sponsor they interviewed people from all over including fax and i think dewsbury none of them mentioned us for top 6  ;D at least justin morgan gave us a mention before the leigh widnes game saying "whitehaven always go on a run and its very difficult to go to cumbria and win"  ;)
haven till i die


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Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2007, 08:38:48 pm
good old shelia  ;D

Offline Keith

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Reply #7 on: 18 Apr 2007, 04:55:01 pm
Did you read this weeks RLE, Big Mac?    What did you make of Rob Purdham's view of Super League in Cumbria?

For those who haven't seen it Rob was asked, "How would you work a Cumbrian SL side?  Would you merge the existing clubs or start a brand new club?   His answer, " If there was a Cumbrian side in SL it wouldn't take them long to produce local players of SL standard.   If Whitehaven, Workington and Barrow didn't want to merge, then they could stay in the lower leagues and act as feeder clubs with a new club altogether in SL.   They probably wouldn't merge, as a lot of people are set in their ways up there and none of the clubs are strong enough to make a go of SL on their own.   There's so much good talent going to waste in Cumbria because talented lads can't afford to have a part-time rugby career, as injuries  could affect their work, depending on what they do.   If there were full-time options for players, a lot more young lads would stick with the game and make it at the highest level.   Rugby League is missing out on a lot of very good talent".

Talks a lot of sense that lad. ;) ;) ;)
Keith - Haven Legend previously a former Haven Immortal!!!

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Reply #8 on: 18 Apr 2007, 05:00:28 pm
i did indeed keith, and yes he does talk a lot of sense, see what happens when you play for haven???

was nice of him to say what he felt re SL expanding in france and not likes of cumbria, just a pity a few more didnt!

i would of course prefer a SL side to be from Whitehaven but i dont think that will happen as we dont have a roman abramovich type person prepared to plough in the cash<praying for  win on a double rollover on the lottery!!!>

the reverand, big mac

Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good


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Reply #9 on: 18 Apr 2007, 08:09:30 pm
its a good idea to have 1 cumbrian side in sl

then the other 2 in nl1 or 2 supplying players and getting players fit again