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Offline mr hopefull

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on: 21 Apr 2007, 01:01:49 pm
just been reading an item on the jambos web site,,,craig was apparantly fighting outside of yankees last night,,and put his victim in hospital,,,,

hope its only a rumour or lies,,,if its true hope he's not the instigator,,,,if so he's in deep xxxx again,,

Offline troutmaster

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Reply #1 on: 21 Apr 2007, 05:18:55 pm
yep it's true,walshy was in an argument with a fella who he did not get on with and that was that.the lad was released from hospital this morning with a few stitches but refused to take it any further,my biggest gripe is why the hell was he on the booze when he was supposedly unfit to go to castleford with an injury.it's now down to the club to discipline him or give him the boot,and it's time that town got a grip on this evergrowing booze culture at the club.

Offline haven marra

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Reply #2 on: 21 Apr 2007, 05:54:20 pm
yep it's true,walshy was in an argument with a fella who he did not get on with and that was that.the lad was released from hospital this morning with a few stitches but refused to take it any further,my biggest gripe is why the hell was he on the booze when he was supposedly unfit to go to castleford with an injury.it's now down to the club to discipline him or give him the boot,and it's time that town got a grip on this evergrowing booze culture at the club.

Walshy and drink = stupidity
Walshy without drink= Genius


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Reply #3 on: 21 Apr 2007, 08:16:12 pm
trouty you cant say we didnt warn you

Offline Keith

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Reply #4 on: 21 Apr 2007, 08:58:44 pm
I agree with troutmaster regarding the booze culture which is all RL clubs not just Town and any professional worth his salt would steer clear of alcohol throughout the season.   However, the booze culture is thrust upon young people at every opportunity and most of them cannot handle it.    They think they can but you only have to look at the many stupid things that are done in the name of drink to see that they obviously can't.

I pity any young player who can't keep off the drink because they will not go far if they try to be best at both - playing and drinking.  We knew about Walshy when he signed for Town and we were all willing to give him a second chance.   I just hope he has the sense to see that and curb his liking for the amber nectar.   I understand that on this occasion it was an old standing dispute between him and another fellow who wanting to sort it out with Walsh.    Unfortunately, the other fellow came off worst but he had the guts not to push the matter with the Police so no charges will follow.
Keith - Haven Legend previously a former Haven Immortal!!!

Offline puppetmaster

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Reply #5 on: 21 Apr 2007, 10:43:18 pm
disagree keith

 the other guy who came off 2nd best may actually be too scared to take it further for fear of more batterings!!

walshys problem is he likes drink, pub open means walshy goes in!!

you all knew what he was like and why he was let go from here,

he is a fool to himself, he HAD the talent to go all the way, but hadnt the sense to do it

shame but there you go!
the reverand, big mac

Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good

Offline Maca

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Reply #6 on: 22 Apr 2007, 11:40:26 am
Well said marraaaaa