Come on Champ.............
1) Decent Squad capable of doing well in NL2
2) Sure the circumstances regarding Stokes can be explained to a potential
new coach.
3) Word on the street is that three decent coach's have already enquired, key
point they have enquired.
4) Town will have I assume free legal backup to fight the case, which will drag on
for some time, and thats if it even gets that far, depend on if Stokes can afford to
do it or if a "No win No fee" firm will think he has a good enough case.
5) Players havent decided - he has been found guilty of gross misconduct, together
with his awful record for the past year.
6) No money - two decent shared gates lately, no payout for Stokes and crowds will now
Still dont let the facts get in the way of your doom and gloom for us.
Today has been a great day!
Youre not worried that a new coach might start us on our long road to taking back
our rightful place as Cumbria' No,1 are you?