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Offline whitehavenRLforever

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on: 21 May 2007, 08:42:58 am
The  attendance  at  yesterdays game  was  diabolical..........just  under  1800 >:(

Where  was  everyone  at ??? ???  Over  3000  last  week  and  Cats  brought  only  4  with  them.

There  is  no  excuse.  Nice  sunny  day,  no  footie  or  any  other  major  sport  to  keep  people  in  and  we  were  playing  a  decent  side.  Fax  brougt  about  a  100  so  where  were  the  1300  from  last  week.

Unless  work  committments  or  any  other  decent  excuse  kept  these  fans  away  then  fair  enough  but  failing  that  then  these  arent  true  supporters................more  glory  hunters. :(

Offline Keith

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Reply #1 on: 21 May 2007, 11:13:16 am
I don't know where they go at Whitehaven but the multi screen cinema at Dunmail Park, Workington, is packed out on Sunday afternoons!!!    The car park there is chocker block every Sunday.   Then again do our clubs go out and sell the games or just use the press to do the job for them!!!   
Keith - Haven Legend previously a former Haven Immortal!!!

Offline whitehavenRLforever

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Reply #2 on: 21 May 2007, 04:41:32 pm
People  know  there's  a  game  on.  The  reason  they  don't  turn  up  is because  they  just  can't  be  bothered.  They  wait  for  a  game  like  Cats  or  probably  Cas  and  Widnes  to  make  a  guest  appearance  and  then  have  the  cheek  to  call  themselves  a  fan

Offline Mancunian Marra

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Reply #3 on: 21 May 2007, 04:42:19 pm
Totally agree, MUCH more needs to be done to both promote games and provide incentives for those in attendance.

What about a prize draw entry if you collect say 5 tokens.

Tokens could be printed in Programme, generating further sales for club.

This is only one of a number of ideas to promote games and encourage repeated attendance.

Just one question, what exactly does Bill Robson do??  Everytime he's in WHN he is promoting the footy team!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Reply #4 on: 21 May 2007, 05:05:58 pm
the gates we get are discraceful we as a club should average around 3,000 for a team in our position so things must or should i say have to be done to improve what happens at haven

Offline brett kinghams mullet

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Reply #5 on: 21 May 2007, 05:16:53 pm
the gates we get are discraceful we as a club should average around 3,000 for a team in our position so things must or should i say have to be done to improve what happens at haven

remember so fra this season we have had about 10 homes we normally only have about 14 in a season

Offline whitehavenRLforever

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Reply #6 on: 21 May 2007, 05:26:22 pm
the gates we get are discraceful we as a club should average around 3,000 for a team in our position so things must or should i say have to be done to improve what happens at haven

remember so fra this season we have had about 10 homes we normally only have about 14 in a season

I agree  we've  had  an  unusual  amount  of  home  games  due  to  being  drawn  at  home  in  both  the  CC  and  the  NRC  which  must  effect  peoples  pockets  but  surely  league  games  are  a  must  see.  I  even  parked  in  Focus  car  park  because  I  thought  I  stood  no  chance  of  getting  a  park  near  the  ground.  I  walked  down  the  cycle  track  and  when  I  got  to the  coach  road  I  couldn't  believe  how  few  people  were  making  there  way  in  and  that  was  at  2.45pm. :o

Offline Keith

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Reply #7 on: 21 May 2007, 09:48:54 pm
Are people getting spoiled with so much RL on Sky these days???   Maybe some are staying in the pubs on Friday and Saturday evenings, spending more money on drink and watching Super League.   They can also do the same on Thursday evenings now watching NL games.

I still say that the National Leagues should look again at moving back to winter when there is not so many other attractions for people to attend.   
Keith - Haven Legend previously a former Haven Immortal!!!


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Reply #8 on: 22 May 2007, 07:23:45 am

Winter rugby is a dead duck.fFreezing cold December's and January's, the game would slow right down due to boggy pitches, crowds would drop off we are still averaging over 2000 per home game, our winter average was a little over 700.


Offline Haven till we die

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Reply #9 on: 22 May 2007, 10:46:03 am
Bill Robson should be doing more to promote the haven matches!!!! Not everyone gets a newspaper. >:( >:(

Will say though, my daughter who's goes to St James Junior school is going to Maryport and back on the train with some of her class mates and the Haven players to promote the Barrow match. Don't know who's idea that was but they are all looking forward to it.
:D :D

Offline whitehavenRLforever

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Reply #10 on: 22 May 2007, 12:23:13 pm
I  think  a  better  way  would  be  to  print  off  leaflets  and  pay  the  lads  and  lasses  that  deliver  the  gazette  to  pop  them  through  doors.  Failing  that  maybe  a  large  advert  in  the  Whitehaven  News.

Offline Maca

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Reply #11 on: 22 May 2007, 02:06:44 pm
yer good idea with the gazzette flyers and also in pubs and shop windows, but its all been said before !

Offline Haven till we die

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Reply #12 on: 22 May 2007, 02:28:55 pm
I  think  a  better  way  would  be  to  print  off  leaflets  and  pay  the  lads  and  lasses  that  deliver  the  gazette  to  pop  them  through  doors.  Failing  that  maybe  a  large  advert  in  the  Whitehaven  News.

As I said not everyone buys the whitehaven news :-[

Offline LeeF

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Reply #13 on: 22 May 2007, 04:51:16 pm
Leaflet drops, as a rule, don't work

You have to build up interest and expectation over a period of time

Even though it's all pay anything less than 2000 on Sunday should be classed as disappointing - cup quarter final, local;ish derby etc etc

Offline LeeF

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Reply #14 on: 22 May 2007, 04:51:49 pm
Bill Robson should be doing more to promote the haven matches!!!! Not everyone gets a newspaper. >:( >:(

Will say though, my daughter who's goes to St James Junior school is going to Maryport and back on the train with some of her class mates and the Haven players to promote the Barrow match. Don't know who's idea that was but they are all looking forward to it.
:D :D

Could be the sponsors??