where are the u21s playing tonight
the official team for tommora on the front page of the web Broadbent, Calvert, Seeds, Eilbeck, Rudd, Duffy, Trindall, A Smith, Fatialofa, Bannister, Fletcher, Lester, Mattinson, Joe, Wright, Maden, Miller, M Jackson, Sice, Bainbridge
Quote from: popularsider on 29 May 2007, 07:43:16 pmfrom that my 17 would be1 broadbent2 calvert3 seeds4 eilbeck5 maden6 duffy 7 bainbridge8 trindall9 mattinson10 fatialofa11 miller12 fletcher13 smith14 sice 15 joe16 bannister17 marc jackson18 lesterwhy have lester at 18 i think he should play 9 and matty 18th man no disrespect to matty
from that my 17 would be1 broadbent2 calvert3 seeds4 eilbeck5 maden6 duffy 7 bainbridge8 trindall9 mattinson10 fatialofa11 miller12 fletcher13 smith14 sice 15 joe16 bannister17 marc jackson18 lester
Been told the team is:-BroadbentCalvertSeedsElibeckMaidenBainbridgeDuffyTrindallSmithFatsMillerFletchLesterBannisterMattyJoeWright / Jackson