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Its been coming and where do we go from this??

Offline whitehavenRLforever

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on: 10 Jun 2007, 05:48:10 pm
Well  firstly  this  result  has  been  coming  for  a  while.  We  haven't  been  brilliant  for  some  time  now  and  rumours  around  the  Town  seem  to  point  to  unrest  within  the  dressing  room.

No  Sicey  will  be  a  big  talking  point  and  he  should  be  brought  back  but  putting  Spencer  in  the  centres  was  a  mistake. Personally  I  would  have  risked  Craig  McCavoy.  Benson  was  caught  out  yet  again  for  1  of  their  tries  and  for  me  isn't  a  winger.  In  the  pack  we  didn't  make  enough  yards  and  some  of  the  play  the  ball  was  slow.

On  the  plus  side  when  we  threw  the  ball  out  we  looked  like we  might  achieve  something.  Fletcher  was  unlucky  to  have  his  try  ruled  out  and  when  you  consider  they  got  1  try  totally  against  the  run  of  play  and  another try  in  the  last  minute  from  a  dropped  ball  then  it  doean't  give  the  score  justice.

Quite  a  few  still  to  come  back  from injury  so  maybe  its  too  early  to  press  the  panic  button  but  its  fair  to  say  DR  has  his  work  cut  out  after  todays  display. :o


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Reply #1 on: 10 Jun 2007, 05:52:52 pm
benson is not a winger and he will be the first to admit it he is a full back. but then  again it comes down to DR and his little vendettas against players John Lebbon playing in the academy the forgetten man really and a damn good winger but i remeber saying to him at batley

when you back in the first team john? his reply probably when rotherham goes.

sice should be in the team and i agree craig mcavoy should have been in the centre before spencer miller today.

there is alot of unrest in the change rooms and the bod will not pull dave up about it because they dont want to upset rotherham.

i liked the text in on the radio

i know 2000 people today who would sign a petition to get sicey back in the team today

john cox reply
no they wouldnt sign it

he is probably the biggest clown of the lot maybe him and DR can get jobs working for the circus because its where they belong


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Reply #2 on: 10 Jun 2007, 08:04:05 pm
John Cox was making the point that not everyone agrees that Sice should be in the team, and is correct.

IMO we were beaten by the better team on the day & whilst disappointed have to accept we don't have a divine right to win every home match

Offline Maca

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Reply #3 on: 10 Jun 2007, 08:04:56 pm
Where did sice start on the acad ? bench lol ?


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Reply #4 on: 10 Jun 2007, 08:10:03 pm
started at 9 for the acad and got a try

Offline haven marra

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Reply #5 on: 10 Jun 2007, 08:15:44 pm
Where did sice start on the acad ? bench lol ?

Don't make yourself look a fool, check what you are typng 1st
« Last Edit: 10 Jun 2007, 11:13:02 pm by MrsHavenWarrior »

Offline Maca

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Reply #6 on: 10 Jun 2007, 08:18:31 pm
ive asked a question marra ! wots with the fool like
« Last Edit: 10 Jun 2007, 11:13:51 pm by MrsHavenWarrior »

Offline haven marra

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Reply #7 on: 10 Jun 2007, 08:29:46 pm
ive asked a question marra ! wots with the fool like

You asked where did Sice start for the academy then wrote Bench lol.....so it appears you aint got a clue what you were on about so you sounded like a fool
« Last Edit: 10 Jun 2007, 11:13:38 pm by MrsHavenWarrior »

Offline Maca

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Reply #8 on: 10 Jun 2007, 08:36:05 pm
I didnt know if he started from the get go or on the bench, thats why i asked lol