I have sat and watched this forum for quite a while now. I can not hold my tongue no longer. Only thing you people want to do is argue with each other. Us other club fans love it. In house discontent it's BRILLIANT. How do you expect to go places with a team like you have. Your a good National 1 mid table team. WH is correct when he says you will never be anything else with out investment. If I was a club fan of Whitehaven I would want to see a break down of the clubs finances. Because 2 grand finals and top contenders for 3 seasons and you got nothing in the coffers. Sounds like another Castleford one hand not knowing what the other is doing. As for Dave Rotherham Leigh had his game plan worked out 5 mins after coming onto the field. Lets just see how good you are on Friday against Doncaster. Widnes never came out of 2nd gear and beat them very easily. You have to put a better score on Doncaster then Widnes did to make every one watching this forum like me think you are serious contenders again. But do not be surprised my friends if Donny's turn you bunch over. Because all I see at the Minette is a coach who is running around like a headless chicken. and we all know your coach and players do not get on. Especially this Sise guy. I can remember seeing him play and he was like a monkey greased up a right fast little slippery bugger. No one could get a hand on him.
Half your team to be truth full are either not good enough or past there sell by date.you got a winger who can burn up the pitch that no one could catch, but do you use him, do you Heller's like. Chop the dead wood out. Loose the sentimentality for players who have been goos servants in the past. You have at best a handfull of good players. But it is time to look to your future.
I would rather go bust trying to be a top contender then sit being an also ran. Get your self a full time team who want to go into Super League. And if you Carny do that it is time to merge and have a club from Cumbria that want to compeat in Super League.
How do you expext commitment and loyalty from part timers who have full time jobs. Its never going to happen. This s pocket money for them and they know if they reach and win a grand final that 2/3Rd's of them will be dropped. Because I bet you would find the money for new players then.
Super League your having a laugh me thinks![/b]