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Rugby Joke to cheer us all up.

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on: 20 Jun 2007, 07:32:35 pm
In 1987 3 kids were playing on The train station in Whitehaven when they accidently fell of the platform and were hit by a train. They all go to heaven and God says to them, "You weren't supposed to die, you were all supposed to live out your lives. This was not your time. To make it up to you, I'll let you choose what you want to do with your life. Take a running jump off of that cloud over there, and as you're flying back down to Earth, shout out what you want to do. And so it shall be."
The 1st kid takes a running leap and shouts "Lawyer" and so, 20 years later, he is a very successful lawyer, making lots of money, with an upcoming appointment to the Bench.
The 2nd kid takes his turn and shouts "brain surgeon" and so, 20 years later, he is the most admired man in his field of medicine and making a ton of money saving lives.
The 3rd kid goes to take his turn, and as he runs he trips over his own feet and stumbles of the cloud muttering "stupid clumsy arsehole." 20 years later, he's playing Full Back for  Workington Town

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« Last Edit: 21 Jun 2007, 04:20:12 pm by WHITEHAVENHERO »

Offline HavenMascot

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Reply #1 on: 20 Jun 2007, 08:23:07 pm
In 1987 3 kids were playing on The train station in Whitehaven when they accidently fell of the platform and were hit by a train. They all go to heaven and God says to them, "You weren't supposed to die, you were all supposed to live out your lives. This was not your time. To make it up to you, I'll let you choose what you want to do with your life. Take a running jump off of that cloud over there, and as you're flying back down to Earth, shout out what you want to do. And so it shall be."
The 1st kid takes a running leap and shouts "Lawyer" and so, 20 years later, he is a very successful lawyer, making lots of money, with an upcoming appointment to the Bench.
The 2nd kid takes his turn and shouts "brain surgeon" and so, 20 years later, he is the most admired man in his field of medicine and making a ton of money saving lives.
The 3rd kid goes to take his turn, and as he runs he trips over his own feet and stumbles of the cloud muttering "stupid clumsy arsehole." 20 years later, he's playing Full Back for  Workington Town


"Born A Haven Supporter, I Am A Haven Supporter, I'll Die A Haven Supporter, My Spirit Will Be A Haven Supporter, I Will Be A Haven Supporter No Matter What! Am A PROUD Haven Fan No Matter What! Haven Through Thick & Thin!"

havenfan in hull

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Reply #2 on: 20 Jun 2007, 10:44:27 pm
like it haha

Offline haven lad 06

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Reply #3 on: 21 Jun 2007, 02:51:38 am
hahaha good 1
haven till i die

Offline fluffy

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Reply #4 on: 21 Jun 2007, 04:37:46 pm
Hilarious !!! ;D
We've got this place rocking now girls !!! ;)

Offline shavenhaven

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Reply #5 on: 21 Jun 2007, 06:21:53 pm
A teacher at a workington school asked all the pupils what their father did for a living.
Infront of a full class Billy said my father works for BNG.
Jack said my father works for British Rail.
Teacher then asks young simon and he replies my father takes his clothes off in clubs for men and he also sleeps with them if they pay him enough.
After class the teacher asked Simon if that was what his father really done.
NO replied Simon he plays for Workington Town but i was too embarrased to admit it.

I'll get me coat..........................

havenfan in hull

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Reply #6 on: 23 Jun 2007, 05:25:20 pm
the 7 dwarfs are at work mining and the mine collapses. snow white runs to the top of the mine n shout to see if they are alive. she hears a reply of ' workington town for super league!'. immediatly she realises that dopey must be alive still.