we have to face facts...were are the best part-time team in the country and until we have a sugar daddy with a big influx of cash that is how we are going to stay...Cas have been full time for 10 years,widnes have been full time for about 7 or 8.They have the backing that allows them to do this...we do not.....todays result is no shock at the start of the season did anyone expect to win away at cas.....people who say DR should go...welll name me one coach...who we could afford, is available , and who would come to haven and who could have got a win today with the team we had out against a full time team(none) because playing a full time team at thier place is always going to be just about unwinnable regardless of who the coach or the team are
look at 2004 leigh were top dog part time and we still failed to win at their place (under steve mac)
2005 cas were the top full timers and we failed to win at their place (under Steve mac)
2006 widnes and hullkr were the top full timers and we failed to win at their place (under DR)
this is how it is for part time teams...the BOD do a excellent job on a tight budget and have kept us up there near the top for the last 4 years...but we can only go further by
A) going full time, which we do not have the cash or the backers for
B)getting a lot more outside of the county players who want to go full time
C)getting the ground up to a decent standard
as for this season..its clear we need a couple of signings to keep us in the top 3...if rumours are correct these may happen soon
and the big disappointment has to be the donny and leigh results...
if ruours of cas and widnes going up and no one coming down and SL going to 14 team in 2008 are true...then i think this could be good for us....we will be top dog for all others to aim at and this may allow us to build towards full time