so im just guessing here but both sides could line up likehaven widnesbroadbent vs grix beta calvert vs dodd betaseeds vs khoe -love equalrob jackson vs nanyn equalmaden vs blanch equaljoe vs moran lost duffy vs penny betatrindall vs cassidy equal smith vs smith widnes smithfatialofa vs wilkes betamiller vs doran betafletcher vs noone way betarudd vs beswick equalsice vs webster betamattinson vs james equalm jackson vs price equalteare vs summers losteilbeck and gaskell to miss out for both teams?
Well who ever misses out it will be tough luck for them as DR has probably the hardest decision to make, its probably his hardest decision all season. Didn't DR say he has a few tactical surprises for the final.
so im just guessing here but both sides could line up likehaven widnesbroadbent vs grix calvert vs doddseeds vs khoe -loverob jackson vs nanynmaden vs blanchjoe vs moranduffy vs pennytrindall vs cassidysmith vs smithfatialofa vs wilkesmiller vs doranfletcher vs noonerudd vs beswicksice vs webstermattinson vs jamesm jackson vs priceteare vs summerseilbeck and gaskell to miss out for both teams?