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small minority of widnes louts

Offline silver shadow

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on: 16 Jul 2007, 11:46:09 am
widnes fans behind the sticks yesterday throwing bottles and generally lager loutish behaviour. theres always morons at these matches who spoil it for the majority of true fans. i would not have liked to have seen them if their team had performed like ours

Offline Haven till we die

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Reply #1 on: 16 Jul 2007, 11:55:47 am
It was disgusting, our little ones were hit by a bottle thrown by the group of young Widnes louts stood at the top, I think that they should have been thrown out. It was a family stand and our kids should not have been put through that. I know that the stewards put one guy out but that was after the second or third item was thrown. If it was our fans that had done that something would have been done alot quicker.

Also down by the toilets a drunken Widnes fan was shouting abuse at a poor Haven lass on her own, luckily a Haven marra spotted it and went and got a steward and told him to calm down, but the stewards should have been watching for trouble and nipped it in the bud straight away.

We go as a family to watch the rugby not for the **** or to abuse the oppositions fans, them who do so should keep themselves to themselves and not spoil it for the others
>:( >:(

Offline Haven till we die

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Reply #2 on: 16 Jul 2007, 02:04:16 pm
I would also like to add that the Widnes fans who were throwing the bottles at the Haven fans were smoking and in the inflatables that they were throwing about were and your not going to believe it URINE. Nice eh!!!! someone needs to complain about these lot it is so uncalled for would they get away with it in super league!!! so why should they get away with it in NL1

Offline haven123456789

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Reply #3 on: 19 Jul 2007, 09:47:03 pm
its because the RFL are all twossers :P and couldn't care less because its Whitehaven!!!!