rite, i have supported haven for 11 years (im under 20 so more than half my life!) , thru thick and thin and have neva been ashamed to admit i was a haven supporter until sunday. Got nowt against the fella but mr. rotherham really needs to go. since he's been here we've only ever played mediocre-ly, fair enough last year you could have maybe put some of the blame on the injury crisis but this year theres no excuses. in fact, bar the catalans game, i would say we've actually played worse this year than last and this does not bode very well at all for a team who are supposedly aiming for super league. im not saying its all Rotherhams fault if i was on the BOD id tell a few of the players to either shape up or ship out as well but as long as rotherhams still here and the team keep playing like that for him things are only goin 2 carry on gettin worse as far as i can see :-S
im startin an online petition so post here if you want rotherham out!