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Letter in Whitehaven News

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on: 20 Oct 2006, 07:47:28 am
did everyone see the lead letter in yesterdays whitehaven news?
Well done Peter<didn't know you could write so much!!! you never bothered much at school!!! ;D ;D LOL>

Perhaps a few more of us backing him up next week, might put a bit of squeeze on the council freeloaders?
who knows!

the reverand, big mac

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Offline Haven Crazy

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Reply #1 on: 20 Oct 2006, 01:05:12 pm
Yeah...anyone who would like to air their views please do it by sending a letter in!!
Can't stand Jam, eh!

Offline Bransty Lad

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Reply #2 on: 20 Oct 2006, 08:42:46 pm
<didn't know you could write so much!!! you never bothered much at school!!!   LOL>

Cheers Mac. i bet I still couldn't get on to the top table with you.  :-[  ;)

Offline whitehavenRLforever

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Reply #3 on: 20 Oct 2006, 08:50:45 pm
About  time  someone  stuck  a  letter  in  about  the  stand.....well  done.

Lets  hope  our  local  councillors  sit  up  and  take  notice. 

Maybe  someone  should  remind  them  of  the  Warrington  game  when  we  were  live  on  TV.  All  of  a  sudden  many  of  them  became  life  long  Haven  fans  by  magic  when  they  were  supping  champagne  in  the  marque.

Some  of  us  don't  forget................

Offline haven123456789

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Reply #4 on: 20 Oct 2006, 09:23:24 pm
What page is it on?

Offline Haven Crazy

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Reply #5 on: 21 Oct 2006, 03:01:27 am
The letters page!! hope to see a few more next week
Can't stand Jam, eh!

Offline no jam

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Reply #6 on: 21 Oct 2006, 06:16:07 pm
Thought the letter was brilliant.
It's about time some of the back  slapping free loaders where given a tickle.
They probably never read it though as they'll have been to busy holding Prince Andrews coat tails proclaiming their love of the monarchy.

Offline Blackie

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Reply #7 on: 21 Oct 2006, 06:30:24 pm
I am an exile living in Manchester so could anyone extract the full details of the letter on this website?

Offline Bransty Lad

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Reply #8 on: 21 Oct 2006, 08:04:38 pm

Hi Blackie
I don't know how to make a link to a web site so heres the letter.

Dear Sir.

I am writing to express my disappointment at that apparent lack of support given from Copeland Borough Council to Whitehaven Rugby League Club with regards the development of the Recreation Ground.
The town has been promised a sports stadium for a number of years now and it?s time to deliver. The economic benefits to Whitehaven and the borough of Copeland by having its only professional sporting team in the highest possible division are clear for all to see, yet all we get are empty promises.
When Whitehaven got to the grand final last season all the councillors were quick to have their picture in this paper stating how proud they are of the club and to be associated with it.
Now is the time for these councillors to show how proud they are and visibly push for quick development of the ground. A statement was made telling us all that the new stand on the popular side of the ground would be completed by the end of June 2007 I fail to see how this can be achieved when contracts are not going to be placed until February 2007.
In May 2007 it is the local elections and I for one will be watching the progress on the ground developments. My family and I and all the other Whitehaven fans I have spoken to in the Bransty ward will not be voting to re-elect councillors Jim Hewitson and Dorothy Wonnacott if the stand will not be completed on time and I urge all other Whitehaven RLFC supports not to re-elect their respective councillors if we are let down on this promise.
The players are giving their all on the pitch whilst the Board of Directors, Coaching staff, Club staff and volunteers are working tirelessly off the pitch to achieve the final aim of a place in Super League.
The main difference between Whitehaven and most other clubs that play professional rugby league is the support of a forward thinking council. So I plead to all the elected members. You were elected to represent us and this is what we want. You are being given plenty of time to make things happen and keep your seats.

Offline Blackie

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Reply #9 on: 21 Oct 2006, 09:20:08 pm
Thanks mate, It made very interesting reading indeed. It does look fishy to me. With the timescale according to this letter, it is imposible to finish the stand in time????

Offline puppetmaster

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Reply #10 on: 21 Oct 2006, 10:08:19 pm
<didn't know you could write so much!!! you never bothered much at school!!!   LOL>

Cheers Mac. i bet I still couldn't get on to the top table with you.  :-[  ;)

i reckon you're well past where i sit peter lad!!
just hope a few others think the same way about our councillors!
the reverand, big mac

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Offline Haven Crazy

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Reply #11 on: 23 Oct 2006, 07:29:53 am
I won't be voting for the same people to keep their seats either! And neither will the other half!
Can't stand Jam, eh!


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Reply #12 on: 15 Nov 2006, 05:34:32 pm
top quality letter marra just hope they read it and take notice

Offline Haven Crazy

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Reply #13 on: 16 Nov 2006, 07:42:19 am
Good to see another letter in the Haven News..whos turn is it next??
Can't stand Jam, eh!