Well to start with folks just to give you a little background. I have been watching Haven play now for more than 35 years. I use to go down with my dad to every game; my dad had supported them since they came into the game. My dad died in 2000 never ever seeing them achieve anything, but he was always there shouting them on, His favourite cry when the opposing side got the ball was ? Burry them? Now the thing being is I started taking my son to the Haven games when he was 7 years old, he is now coming up to his 21st birthday, So he as been following them home and away for 14 years. Now I cannot explain it but before the Blackpool game we both were real die hard fans. We always had a moan and groan when things never went Havens way, even when they put up that abysmal display against Doncaster a game that we should have walked by the way, We said that?s the last ?13 they are getting out of me, but as usual mid week we were looking forward to the next match and put the naff performance behind us. But this time it?s different I have no passion for the club no longer, me or my son. When we use to go down to the match my 18 year old nephew used to come with us, since he was about 10 he was really into following Whitehaven big time, he was more enthused by Haven then me or my son, he ate, slept, talked Haven every chance he got. But he to no longer as the passion to go watch the team play any more since the Blackers game. So I do not know what is happening at Haven with the supporters, I do not know if it is just us that have been left void of emotions for the club anymore, or if there are many like me out there?
I suppose we will see the damage of Blackers nightmare this Sunday against Batley, or see if it?s just me who as lost the faith? Like I started off this thread with my dad and I, I do not know if many can remember the late 60?s early 70?s down at the recre, the stand now that is the posh blue stand with a roof and seating used to be a row of benches, we used to crawl in there as kids and pick up all the coins, packets of fags, lighters, and caps that the guys had dropped under there, then there is the popular side, when that was covered and you were a young un, and the crowd was good back then, when you use to run about in there amongst the grown ups legs, it was as black as night because there was that many fans in there, Esk avenue used to be full of cars even back then and the amount of folk walking down the road going to the match & and the crowd walking home through the cattle arch, it was as black as night and people were always falling and tripping up over other peoples feet, Oh for the good old days eh? My dad followed the club since 1948, He told me the best game he ever watched played at the Recre was In the 1956/57 season when Whitehaven defeated the Australian tourists by 14 pts to 11 before 11,000 fans & the best ever Whitehaven game he watched he told me was the game they lost 10 - 9 to Leeds in a Challenge cup semi final before a crowd of 50,000. What could we do with the 11000 crowd now that we got in the 50?s?
But I am sad to say my dad never watched he beloved Haven pick up any silver ware, or achieve anything to boast about. So now I am thinking I too will never see this club go into SL. Who knows maybe my son?s sons will have something to shout about in the future. But after 35 years of heartache, allot of good times. An awful lot of bad times. I have now lost faith in the club I use to love and follow week in week out since a I was a young un .
Is it only me? Or do any others feel the same?
Any body got any fond memories of freezing cold days of Rugby gone by, be nice to hear some stories.