so calling a black fella bruno is racist now? the worlds gone pc mad
Yep, confirms it.
You don't seem to understand why calling a black person "Bruno" is racist? Well, essentially you're calling the guy out on his skin colour with suck a remark, which sort of comes under the definition of "racism".
When you look at the history of racism against black people - the oppression, the discrimination, the abuse based on skin colour - it is clear that more sensitivity is needed when making such remarks, moreso than what would be needed if making the link between white people and celebrities.
If the guy is ok with being called "Bruno", then fair enough, but the linesman obviously didn't know this and therefore had legitimate reasons to make the complaint. To use this as an excuse to inarticulately express your bigotry gives me good ground for calling you an "idiot", as it is an idiot who prioritises the need to utter that "It's PC gone mad" cliche above the need to actually consider the issue at hand.
I await your explanation for calling me a "muppet".