the players these other teams have signed will get 6 games in that daft cup competition to gel before the season starts so dont think they wont be a threat!
much as i admire your optimism i cant see us finishing higher than 4th, depending on leigh and donny
widnes and cas will be way ahead
remember we havent added<so far, but i'd like to hope we do> to a squad that in the end wasnt good enough in 2006
A squad that was heavily depleted for a large part of the season and still only just lost in the semis......
If all had been fit from the start ( broken arm curse ) im sure we would have gone even further.....
What i like about this squad is that it will have been together yet another year and if they stay fit they play so well together.....
All the young guns are a year older and a year more experienced.
Despite the other teams signings i actually think from a stability point of view we are miles ahead, if we can project that onto the field we will be untouchable.
With regards to the other teams signing ex-super league what ? How many did widnes and leigh have last year ? remind me what league they are in this year ?