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How on earth...

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Offline XIII

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on: 10 Jan 2007, 08:44:12 pm
How on earth can celtic Crusader recruit Terry Martin and Darren Mapp from NRL clubs Canberra and Cronulla and we are chasing Matt Tunstall.  mapp and Martin are experienced backrow forwards in the NRL .

To be honest the "out of our price range only goes so far" i certanly don't expect us to compete with Widnes Leigh or Cas in the wages /transfer market but with a bit of effort and homework there is plenty of decent talent to be picked up for a reasonable price.

Offline champ

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Reply #1 on: 10 Jan 2007, 09:04:48 pm
It all depends on what you call a decent price.  Air fare,  About ?800  if family come double it, accomodation around 500/600 per month for lets say 7 months ?3500  throw in a car and probably a signing on fee and the decent price does'nt look so decent. 4 years ago i remember Gary Hewer starting the scholarship scheme with a meeting in the JJ McKeown bar.  Haven were one of the few outside super league to do this. He stated then that the way forward for the future was to invest in the local kids that would play for the club for the pride of wearing the shirt. Look how many kids are wearing Haven gear now compared to 4-5 years ago. He said in 4or5 years we would start to see the young lads starting to come through to the first team.  Well so far we have around 14 players signed on from the scholarship scheme.  Players that have not cost an arm and a leg.  Players that are born and bred here and have been given another option than moving away from the area. Yes they are still raw but by staying in the area we have been able to show the future kids that you dont have to move away to give it a go. With the coaching of Paul Cullen Steve Mac and DR and most of all the time and dedication of Gary Hewer and his team we have a future. Lets get behind them this season as our kids are going to be a major part of it. 

Offline haven lad 06

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Reply #2 on: 10 Jan 2007, 09:10:41 pm
IMO we arent signing the best local talent though there are alot of very good players round here who havent been signed when some pretty average players have
haven till i die


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Reply #3 on: 10 Jan 2007, 09:22:07 pm
i think we can compete with leigh there no bigger club than us but as far as widnes and cass well well be able to go so far with them


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Reply #4 on: 10 Jan 2007, 09:39:16 pm
thing is champ doesnt the club get people in to the pay the air fares of are australian signings
ie leafa obst tandy summers penny? im sure someone paid there air faires
i also thought the club had houses to put players up in?
so the only thing the club would really have to pay for is the players wages and possibley the rent on the house

Offline RegDunnsFlatTop

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Reply #5 on: 10 Jan 2007, 10:06:34 pm
In one breath the club are crowing about profits made, in the next bemoaning the fact that we cant afford to sign decent players. Lets not forget we the paying spectators pay the majority of the players wages, surely we the money WE have put into the club could be wisely spent on some fresh blood. We deserve better.

Offline Keith

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Reply #6 on: 10 Jan 2007, 10:39:25 pm
In one breath the club are crowing about profits made, in the next bemoaning the fact that we cant afford to sign decent players. Lets not forget we the paying spectators pay the majority of the players wages, surely we the money WE have put into the club could be wisely spent on some fresh blood. We deserve better.

The profits were from the year ending 31st December 2005.   How do you know that you haven't made a similar loss in 2006?    I'm not saying you have but the club has to live within it's budget and if they have suffered a loss last season then why would they want to splash out more.
Keith - Haven Legend previously a former Haven Immortal!!!

Offline champ

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Reply #7 on: 10 Jan 2007, 10:47:28 pm
thing is champ doesnt the club get people in to the pay the air fares of are australian signings
ie leafa obst tandy summers penny? im sure someone paid there air faires
i also thought the club had houses to put players up in?
so the only thing the club would really have to pay for is the players wages and possibley the rent on the house
The club do not have any houses and havent had for years.  You cant always bank on someone paying the air fare although there are instances where this has happened.  Point is people throw names about because they see on a website that certain players (often never heard of before) are available.  Coaches have their own contacts that are better placed to recruit.  Just because targeted players are not named on here or other sites does not mean there is no activity taking place.  The coach is paid to do a job and before the season has even started certian people are hanging the guy. So some reckon DR cant attract players well Duffy Maden Bull and Baynes are happy enough to stay here along with the local lads. Be honest did anyone think this time last year that with Fats Lester and spencer injured in the town game that we would have finished where we did.  We have at the club the cream of locak talent in Sice Calvert Rudd McAvoy Mattinson Eilbeck and Lebbon.  Add to those the experience of Fats Lester Leroy Seeds Miller and Hill Maden Duffy and Baynes and we are not a bad team at all.


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Reply #8 on: 10 Jan 2007, 10:48:04 pm
Think we've no choice but to throw as much support behind these kids as possible.They are the clubs future whether you like it or not
In next year or two we going to lose for definate Trindall,seeds,fats,lester,Joe,Hill,Baynes,Broadbent..thats 8 huge name players

How the hell do you replace all those ? Outside the area or overseas ? Going to cost an arm and leg doing that.
Then we'd only get people moaning we have too many travelling players and where's the local lads who play for pride.
Yes they'll  will bring overseas and travelling names again,when they are available and we have a quota spot etc
Airfares have been luckily helped out in past with sponsorship from individuals,accomodation has been helped out with likes of Gary B putting players up...But there are no Club houses anymore...all sold over years.
Yes we've made ?40k profit... a seasons or so ago!  what will the figures be for last season with No grand final appearance when they released in year or two's time??? that 40k only helps balance the books

The club has stated its looking for a replacement for Leafa and DR says in tomorrows paper the club has spoken to several talented players...lets give them a chance!

Offline champ

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Reply #9 on: 10 Jan 2007, 10:49:31 pm
In one breath the club are crowing about profits made, in the next bemoaning the fact that we cant afford to sign decent players. Lets not forget we the paying spectators pay the majority of the players wages, surely we the money WE have put into the club could be wisely spent on some fresh blood. We deserve better.
Reg i dont recall the club bemoaning the fact they CANT sign players.  I do recall them saying they are happy with the team we have but would be looking anyway to see who becomes available.]