Been looking round the net at schemes at other football clubs and seems very popular.Most prices however seem to range in the ?40-?50 for a brick which is seems quite costly.Seen one which will let you have 14 characters in two rows so you have to question how much to engrave and how much profit the club would make.No good it being ?10 if engraving costs that.
A seem to let you have what you like,Dedicate a brick to friends, family, your favourite player past or present, or just yourself.
Also seen a scheme where a brick cost ?50 but if you couldnt afford in one go then you have the option of buying in ?1 brick tokens.Save them up get it put on later.

Paul is this something the support group could run rather than the club ?
heres another idea for flannerz...a virtual wall for the club site...say couple quid a brick...might make few hundred towards funds ??