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Have The Club Over-Reacted By Disowning Themselves From This Forum ?

Offline HavenWarrior

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Whats everyone's thoughts on this Hot Patato?


Offline champ

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Dont think so.  The point is who was responsible for putting the picture on in the first place.  Castleford did the same thing last year when certain comments were put on their site.  The club has not DISOWNED the site it has made sure that any comments or articles that are put on here cant be attributed directly to the club.  If the club dont control the site then they cant be held responsible for what goes on it. If the club insisted on running the site and chose what went on they would be accused of censorship.  In my opinion the News and Star comments are out of order trying to link the game this weekend with the picture being put on.  I find it hard to believe that whoever put it on meant it in any way to be offensive.  Ryan is a well thought of lad by Haven fans and you would not wish that injury on any player lets hope he has a speedy recovery.


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the news and star couldnt even get a  picture of ryan on the inside page its liam campbell  ::)
ryan does know about the picture being posted but on the widnes site !!!

Offline havendan

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Not at all.
You are really a superfan amongst super fans in fact your the no.1 fan in Cumbria. Congratulations.

Offline haven marra

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Totally OTT for me, i have seen gruesome pictures of footballers injuries on front pages of major papers and nothing said about it.
Just a reason for the B.O.D. to distance themselves from a forum that they dont like as they get questioned on here and they dont like it.

Offline rdc

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I see Champ's point here and accept the reasoning. 

I think the party here who did overreact was the News & Star - you have to ask just why they felt the need to put this on the front page.  It's a complete non-event for a county-wide newspaper, surely!

Offline HavenMascot

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yes i think they have done

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Offline Tommygun

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I think the party here who did overreact was the News & Star - you have to ask just why they felt the need to put this on the front page.  It's a complete non-event for a county-wide newspaper, surely!

Ask yourself one question - who has most to gain from a fiery bad tempered derby with ill-feeling on the pitch and terraces ? Neither club has anything to gain from that but it'll sell a lot of papers on Monday !  Why wait til saturday to print it when the story has been known since Monday by them ? Why say Town have complained when it was the News & Star who phoned June Kennedy, who hadn't seen it,  and ask for comments ? News & Star ? More like the Daily Star these days !! Gutter journalism at it's worst. DO NOT GIVE THEM THE STORY THEY WANT ON SUNDAY, THEY COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT THE RESULT OR EITHER CLUB, LETS JUST HAVE GOOD NATURED BANTER ON THE TERRACES AND A HARD FOUGHT GAME ON THE PITCH.

Offline champ

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I think the party here who did overreact was the News & Star - you have to ask just why they felt the need to put this on the front page.  It's a complete non-event for a county-wide newspaper, surely!

Ask yourself one question - who has most to gain from a fiery bad tempered derby with ill-feeling on the pitch and terraces ? Neither club has anything to gain from that but it'll sell a lot of papers on Monday !  Why wait til saturday to print it when the story has been known since Monday by them ? Why say Town have complained when it was the News & Star who phoned June Kennedy, who hadn't seen it,  and ask for comments ? News & Star ? More like the Daily Star these days !! Gutter journalism at it's worst. DO NOT GIVE THEM THE STORY THEY WANT ON SUNDAY, THEY COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT THE RESULT OR EITHER CLUB, LETS JUST HAVE GOOD NATURED BANTER ON THE TERRACES AND A HARD FOUGHT GAME ON THE PITCH.
Well said Tommygun coulld'nt agree more.  I must say that the first i heard of this was on Friday night when the press had contacted Des.  Flanners has already said he spoke to Town on MONDAY  and got this sorted so why wait till the day before to put it in the paper.

 If the board wanted to avoid any questions then they have had more reason to do this ages ago.  They were there on thursday for the question session so how can they be accused of hiding.  I think you will find that more and more forums are going to go the same way. 

Offline HavenWarrior

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To me it leaking to the News and Star seems like a DS thing if people know what i mean!


Offline rdc

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I think Whitehaven should cut contact between themselves and the News & Star for a month or two, i.e. no interviews etc. except for a press release saying they won't be dragged through the muck by sensationalist journalism.

Offline CumbrianPip

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Totally and absolutely. a knee jerk, ill thought out and naive reaction.

The paper is totally in the wrong. What I used to think of as a fair well balanced read has totally gone down in my estimation.

Offline whitehavenRLforever

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I  can't  really  see  what  was  wrong  in  showing  the  Campbell  pic.  Hopefully  the  lad  will  make  a  full  recovery  but  lets  face  it,  you  read  the  national  news  and  see  pictures  of  bodies  blown  to  bits  in  the  Middle  East.  I  mean  what  looks  worse ??

Offline Maca

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All they want is a story at the end of the day and the dont care who they hurt on the way doing it, a good paper should praise both local sides and getting people to the match, to me there just scum wanting to sell papers.

Offline Haven Crazy

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If we hadn't of been playing Town this weekend then the issue would not have even been printed in the News and Star! >:( >:(
Can't stand Jam, eh!