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Town stewards......

Offline haven marra

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on: 11 Feb 2007, 06:37:03 pm
Absolutley appaling.

No reason for them to be at the game, we pointed out a incident to which we were told it was a directors son so no action could be taken.



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Reply #1 on: 11 Feb 2007, 07:03:26 pm
have to agree with you, they knew who the troublemaker was and did nothing about it after e was brave enough to it a woman. i had a bottle thrown at me from one of the exits and then the brave jameating scum ran off

The stewards had no bottle and were a joke

I will never go to that sh--- hole of a ground again


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Reply #2 on: 11 Feb 2007, 07:05:11 pm
people say the wreck is bad that was a **** hole the worst ground i have been to how that ground could pass for sl is beynd me and im sick of watching the game 10 miles away

Offline Maca

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Reply #3 on: 11 Feb 2007, 11:39:48 pm
yer thats one match i miss out on going now and would never take the kids to its just not worth the risk. :-X
Its one club that wants to get that sorta thing seen to.

Offline troutmaster

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Reply #4 on: 15 Feb 2007, 04:54:19 pm
Before you criticise the Town stewards you need to look at your own.Do not tar all stewards with same brush has the stewards at Town do a good job generally.If you say they were usless why did you not make a complaint to the Supervisor in the popular side,as for the Steward who told  you he could nothing because it was a Directors son well that is bull****.iIam looking into this Steward and the yob that was causing the most problems for the Haven fans and i will make sure both are reprimanded with the steward having his badge taken away.The yob who is in fact a Town Directors son will be dealt with by the Club after reccomendations from the Security office, and that Director has been informed of his sons behaviour inside and outside of the ground.Two Haven fans who are highly thought of on the Haven site both were victims of this idiot and i promised them i would name him for them.I have been a Steward on the main stand for over five years and i run it properly,if you want to cause trouble in the stand you will be politely asked to obey the ground rules or you will be ejected from the stand,now that is the same ground rules that should have been adeared to over on the popular side.I can only Apolgise to any Haven fans for some biggot spoiling a good day for the Haven fans,but i suspect the stuffing your team gave Town would have been sufficient enough to make you smile all day.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline brett kinghams mullet

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Reply #5 on: 15 Feb 2007, 05:00:34 pm
Before you criticise the Town stewards you need to look at your own.Do not tar all stewards with same brush has the stewards at Town do a good job generally.If you say they were usless why did you not make a complaint to the Supervisor in the popular side,as for the Steward who told  you he could nothing because it was a Directors son well that is bull****.iIam looking into this Steward and the yob that was causing the most problems for the Haven fans and i will make sure both are reprimanded with the steward having his badge taken away.The yob who is in fact a Town Directors son will be dealt with by the Club after reccomendations from the Security office, and that Director has been informed of his sons behaviour inside and outside of the ground.Two Haven fans who are highly thought of on the Haven site both were victims of this idiot and i promised them i would name him for them.I have been a Steward on the main stand for over five years and i run it properly,if you want to cause trouble in the stand you will be politely asked to obey the ground rules or you will be ejected from the stand,now that is the same ground rules that should have been adeared to over on the popular side.I can only Apolgise to any Haven fans for some biggot spoiling a good day for the Haven fans,but i suspect the stuffing your team gave Town would have been sufficient enough to make you smile all day.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

excellent post trouty nice to see its not going to be swept under the carpet

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Reply #6 on: 15 Feb 2007, 05:43:14 pm
Well done trouty as i said before maybe on games like this both clubs should have a police presenceas it is unfair in my opinion to blame the stewards 100%.  At most home games there are usually a 100 away fans at most with the odd exceptions, and these are usually easy to police with stewards.  The derby games are alot different with hundreds more away fans present.  Even with the training your stewards and ours have had i still feel it is a bit unfair on them not having some police at the game.  If we had 50 stewards as opposed to the 15-20 we have maybe it would be a bit different.

Offline mr hopefull

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Reply #7 on: 15 Feb 2007, 05:51:57 pm
well done trouty,,,
                       these clowns should be dealt with whoever they are,,,,,,,,,great post


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Reply #8 on: 15 Feb 2007, 08:14:09 pm
Thanks Trouty,

I thought the steward with the big bent nose who looked like an ex boxer was the finest fisherman on the derwent. The steward with the fleece jacket on was the one to blame when he said he couldn't throw Mr G***** out because he is a directors son.

Reckon if you were over in the pop side they would have soon shut up LOL



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Reply #9 on: 15 Feb 2007, 08:26:22 pm
trouty i never seen you on sunday in your usual place at the top of the steps marra

Offline kellsladbornandbred

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Reply #10 on: 15 Feb 2007, 09:46:27 pm
Only what I would expect Trouty well said marra, we can all support our clubs and have the banter and wind ups that are part of the hype that we all get from supporting our teams. But right now West Cumbrian Rugby League is being tarnished with the image associated with the supporters of the round ball game, Rugby League is a FAMILY spectator sport and we have been proud to praise the behavior of supporters at Rugby matches but recently the "England Football Fan on Tour" has started to creep back in to our game. What we need to do together as Clubs and true fans is work together to stamp this out now, quite rightly as you said the respective clubs stewards only have a hundred or so away supporters to monitor, how about if it could be arranged that lets say starting with our next derby game the visiting team either bring along some of their stewards or appoint some responsible Adults (True Supporters) to be assigned to marshall the away fans all coordinated between both clubs? if this could be sorted out legally of course if not lets look to see what we can do to stamp this out now from both clubs and rebuild the West Cumbrian Rugby League Supporters Image for both Workington Town and Whitehaven RLFC Future

Offline troutmaster

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Reply #11 on: 16 Feb 2007, 01:36:59 pm
The idea from Kellsladbornandbred is one item on the agenda for the next derby game at Haven.I totally agree with him that the Town stewards should be involved in policing the Town fans during and after the game at Haven.It's just a shame that a few idiots full of drink can spoil a persons day completely,after all you supporters pay good money to see your team without any hassle what so ever.It is even more gaulling when it involves the young children who are our future supporters when  they turn around and tell their dad that they do not want to come to a game again for fear of being frightened by yobs.I will not let that happen at Town and any steward in the future who doe's not obey the laws that they have been given then they too can walk away.Havenchamps2005,i was at the bar end stopping people from coming out with alcohol and both sets of fans were not happy but i told them it is not allowed, and they were all made to drink it or spit it.Will be back on the crows nest next  week keeping an eye out for trouble,but i have to say in all honesty that i have met and greeted a lot of  Haven fans in the stand, and they have always been polite as it costs nothing to be friendly and have a bit of banter with them.And at the end of the game i wish them a safe journey home like i do wiith all travelling fans.

Offline chocbluegold

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Reply #12 on: 16 Feb 2007, 03:42:54 pm
the stewards are there for a reason to control the crowd that did  not happen on sunday therefore they werent doing their job right were they?we had the same problem a couple of seasons ago at castleford, the senior steward was told their fans were tthrowing missiles at us wot did he do absolutely nothing.it was a disgrace as was sunday we all know wot derby rivalary is like so stewards should be extra vigilante for potential trouble.these troublemakers should be made a example of irrespective of whos their father! is and long may we enjoy our sporting weekends trouble free!!!   
our players couldnt get in the town team you,ve gotta be kidding.theres plenty town players i hope dont wear the chocbluegold.

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Reply #13 on: 16 Feb 2007, 05:47:37 pm
I was at the match with my son who loves to take his rugby ball to each home game and did the same at town. Well sometime during the game the match ball was kicked into the crowd by us and the steward thought that my sons ball was the match ball, we explained to him that it was'nt the match balland that it was nothing like it and he thought we were being cheeky and was going to kick me out for that. Others were doing much worse and were,nt even spoken too!!!!/color]

Offline troutmaster

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Reply #14 on: 17 Feb 2007, 08:40:17 pm
it's not often that i agree with chocbluegold,but on this subject he is spot on.the only thing that let him down was at castleford he complained to the senior steward and that was the right procedure to do,so why if the idiot who was supposed to be the steward did nothing, why did no one complain to the guy with the green jacket on who is the popular side supervisor.he was positioned right beside the doorway to hell, namely the toilets, and  he would have been duty bound to have assisted you in your complaint and taken the appropriate steps.but at all clubs you will have people who turn up for match days and take the pittance offered to them, and  they just stroll around and want no hassle so they just make excuses like, he's a directors son and we cannot touch him.but a lot of us stewards do not take the money as it go's to the club,it's only a pittance and not worth the hassle to be honest.from this weekend i will also be giving in my badge as due to my health, i have been advised to by my specialist that it is not worth the risk of confrontation and has we often have to eject drunks or troublemakers so i cannot take the risk. :( :( :( :( :( :(ps. haven till we die,we must have been hard up that week to try and pinch the laal fellas ball,the steward should have known the difference as they are a new design and not the same logo's as last year.hope he still has the ball at home. ;D ;D ;D