Before you criticise the Town stewards you need to look at your own.Do not tar all stewards with same brush has the stewards at Town do a good job generally.If you say they were usless why did you not make a complaint to the Supervisor in the popular side,as for the Steward who told you he could nothing because it was a Directors son well that is bull****.iIam looking into this Steward and the yob that was causing the most problems for the Haven fans and i will make sure both are reprimanded with the steward having his badge taken away.The yob who is in fact a Town Directors son will be dealt with by the Club after reccomendations from the Security office, and that Director has been informed of his sons behaviour inside and outside of the ground.Two Haven fans who are highly thought of on the Haven site both were victims of this idiot and i promised them i would name him for them.I have been a Steward on the main stand for over five years and i run it properly,if you want to cause trouble in the stand you will be politely asked to obey the ground rules or you will be ejected from the stand,now that is the same ground rules that should have been adeared to over on the popular side.I can only Apolgise to any Haven fans for some biggot spoiling a good day for the Haven fans,but i suspect the stuffing your team gave Town would have been sufficient enough to make you smile all day.