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News and Star - Facts wrong AGAIN!

Offline parton.marra

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on: 12 Feb 2007, 04:01:08 pm
After yesterdays game and on leaving Derwent Park, I witnessed a scuffle between a Haven supporter and another person. Apparantly, and I now know this to be true, the Haven lads jacket was thrown into the river, and he kicked off. In a split second, the police piled in and, imo, were very heavy handed in dealing with the young lad. Their aggressive stance inflamed what was a minor scuffle. Myself and a few others berated the police on their thuggish behaviour, and after a few heated words and some pushing and shoving (by the police), they got me in a headlock from behind, wrestled me to the ground, handcuffed me, drove me to the station and threw me in a cell!!

Nearly 2 hours later they released me without charge, but some of the things I witnessed and heard have made me see the police in an entirely different light and my opinion of them has changed for good. I have spent this morning making an official complaint at Workington to an Inspector, and I know of 2 other complaints that have been made since the end of the game. I rang the News and Star with my side of the story, but they wouldn't hear me out because 'it could compromise any court hearings' in the future, which is fair enough!

Watch this space because I have an appointment with a solicitor on Wednesday and I will not let this lie. The way it all ended was shocking and I have now got a dubious record with the police.

Offline Haven Baz

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Reply #1 on: 12 Feb 2007, 04:50:54 pm
I agree with what you said Parton Marra and i sent an email to Cumbria police last night stating basically what you said.

Offline parton.marra

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Reply #2 on: 12 Feb 2007, 05:02:32 pm
Baz, was told by my solicitor today that unless you make a formal complaint, it basically just gets swept under the carpet, thats why I went through to Workington today. I hope more people who witnessed this will come forward and let the police know that they are there to uphold the law - not break it!


Offline haven marra

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Reply #3 on: 12 Feb 2007, 05:19:11 pm
The officer with the dog was wayover the top, he was letting it bite anyone around, i witnessed the dog grab an elderly gent drinking a cup of tea and shook him to the ground, that was totally uncalled for and the old guy was a Town fan.

Offline parton.marra

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Reply #4 on: 12 Feb 2007, 05:42:39 pm
The same elderly man went to the station whilst I was there and made an official complaint.


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Reply #5 on: 12 Feb 2007, 05:49:49 pm
Sounds well harsh Parton Marra, all the very
best with your complaint.

Offline parton.marra

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Reply #6 on: 12 Feb 2007, 05:55:41 pm
Cheers Steve, reflects badly marra but I am convinced the police made it much worse.


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Reply #7 on: 12 Feb 2007, 06:00:37 pm
the police make everything worse its wat they do marras and ya feel sorry for the elderly ppl kids and families hu go to games like this and get bother it aint right and when i was walking out of the ground nothing happend so must have been later on these so called fans should not go to games as they spoil what is supposed to be a good game
« Last Edit: 12 Feb 2007, 06:17:54 pm by HavenWarrior »

Offline Blackie

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Reply #8 on: 12 Feb 2007, 07:26:41 pm
Sounds nasty. Hope you are successful. We cannot let them get away with it :o


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Reply #9 on: 12 Feb 2007, 11:22:59 pm
None of this would have happened if the stewards in the ground nipped the problem in the bud and threw out the idiot town fan who started all the trouble


Offline Keith

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Reply #10 on: 17 Feb 2007, 11:04:31 am
And I'll bet parton.marra that when you "were berating the Police" you never swore once or used any form of foul or abusive language!!!!!!!!     Am I right!!!!!!
Keith - Haven Legend previously a former Haven Immortal!!!

Offline hensingham boy

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Reply #11 on: 17 Feb 2007, 11:22:39 am
And I'll bet parton.marra that when you "were berating the Police" you never swore once or used any form of foul or abusive language!!!!!!!!     Am I right!!!!!!

he didn't

Offline chocbluegold

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Reply #12 on: 17 Feb 2007, 09:40:09 pm
same old keith always put us in your category like town fans the police got to excited and therefore got carried away with themselves and overeacted theres policing and theres policing know what i mean :-\ :-\ i just wonder how town will deal with the instigator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wait with baited breath
our players couldnt get in the town team you,ve gotta be kidding.theres plenty town players i hope dont wear the chocbluegold.

Offline Blackie

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Reply #13 on: 17 Feb 2007, 10:50:36 pm
Not again. Yellow fonts?? Cant read what you say.

Offline kellsendlad

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Reply #14 on: 18 Feb 2007, 11:43:19 am
i have the same problem with purple fonts. if you hi-lite them with your mouse then you can read them