General > Forum Information



Firstly we are happy to announce that the forum is now back up and running.

In light of recent circumstances, we need to make all members aware that they are responsible for their postings on this forum. This forum is provided as a platform for Haven fans (and fans from other clubs) to share their views. The views expressed on this forum are not those shared by myself or any of the other administrators/moderators.

We do NOT exercise full editorial control on this website contrary to some belief. The Admins/Mods simply monitor the forum where possible but are not able to review every message posted and do not approve messages before they appear on the website.

Many of you are aware of the 'Report to moderator' facility that can be found on any post on the forum. If, whilst browsing the forum, you find any post which you deem to be unacceptable or potentially libellous, please use this facility provided to report it. We will then act swiftly to take any necessary action. This procedure is outlined in our terms and conditions on the website which EVERY member has to agree to upon sign-up. It is impossible for the Admin/Mods to view every message posted so reporting inappropriate posts helps us identify and deal with them quickly.

To summarise, the Admins/Mods will do all they can to deal with inappropriate postings where possible, but should anyone find anything that is inappropriate, please report it so we can avoid any further downtime.

Your co-operation and understanding on this matter is much appreciated.

Forum Administrator


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