its clear the lad is unhappy and ive supported the club 14 years now and watched sice since he was signed by steve mack in 2003 and he has proved he was worth the 12k we paid town for him steve mack used him as an impact player in 2003 and 2004 but in 2005 sicey showed his class when starting at 9 2006 rotherham didnt pick him against town when we won 10-0 he then had to pick him down at barrow off the bench sicey scored a hat rick and at one point in 2006 sice was leading the try scoring charts for us with something like 19 tries
2007 sicey has started a game at full back he is a hooker not a full back and rotherham has never given sicey a fair chance at the club since he arrived why this is i have no idea
sice will be playing u21s on friday night at barrow so i dont expect him to play on the sunday against fax
if things dont get sorted and sice is not re instated in this team my 14 year asscoiation with this club will come to an end and the man to blame is DAVE ROTHERHAM he has to pick the best player at the club to win games at the minute he isnt doing so CARL SICE is the best player at this club hands down
so DR its over to you