You're trapped in a room with a Grizzly Bear, a deadly Rattlesnake, and a Townie. You have a gun with two bullets. What should you do?
Shoot the Townie.
A wee fella hands over a ?50 note to the turnstyle operator at Derwent Park
Fella: Two please.
Turnstyle Operator: Will that be Forwards or Backs, sir?
Q: If you see a Townie on a bike, why should you never swerve to hit him?
It might be your bike...
Q: Why do Townies have Moustaches?
A: So they can look like their Mothers.
Q. Two Townies jump off a cliff. Which one hits the ground first?.
A. Who cares!
Q: What do you get when you cross a Town fan with a pig?
A: I don't know, there are some things a pig just won't do.


the reverand, big mac
Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good