Lots of positives today which is marvellous. From 1-17 today the whole team were excellent. Defence, as always was awesome. Couple of players really stood out today for me - Derry really stepped up to the plate today and his defence was second to none, up there, in and at them. Young Bainbridge again had a stormer considering the lad has played what, 3 full games in 10 days, he will be a really good prospect not too far in the future.
Like McAvoy in the centres, but a couple of times today he could have passed the ball the Calvert but didn't - I think a better link between them needs to be established, although not a criticism, just an observation. Thought both wingers were quietish today although well played both of them.
Fletcher, well what needs said? In all honesty, nothing, give me The Fletch over Leafa and Wilkes anyday. What a find!
Gary B, the day he loses a ball is the day we are really in trouble. Mr Dependable. Carl Rudd stepped it up a notch today and was popping up everywhere - great kicking game today by him.
We seem to have developed a little trend of not kicking for territorial advantage following penalties? The couple of times Bamber did kick today for touch he made excellent yardage.
Reading what the Halifax fans were saying on their board during the run up to this match they seemed very confident of turning us over at Fortress Recre today, seemed a whole load of hot air! Fax - brought it to us for the first 50 mins then seemed to go backwards, and intent on making mischief than making valuable yards and points, all credit to our lads for toughing out their game spoiling tactics and not reacting.
Mr Laughton was making a point of off-sides today and Fax suffered because of this, despite repeated penalties, time after time they were pinned for off-side. Their discipline leaves a lot to be desired and they seem to be trying to take over Doncaster's reputation as head hunters.
So, on to Rochdale on Friday, who incidentally struggled against Celtic Crusaders.
The future is bright - the future is Haven!