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To be or not to be, That is the question.

Offline JamEater

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on: 22 Jul 2007, 11:49:19 am
Is there to be a change in the sides performance today, or not, That is the question of loads of the fans today ?

I do not think personally there will be that much of an improvement today sorry." I hope I am wrong " If there is and Whitehaven can do something today, It will just make you wonder even more what the hell is going on with them. How can a week make much difference. It is still a mystery to me what happened last week. How can you be in the top 3 in NL1  and play that bad. I hope they take a half decent bunch of supporters with them too, because nothing will be more demoralizing to them by lack of support. But saying that even if they take 1000 fans with them, they will still be drowned out by the vikings. Just hope they can do the club proud today. Otherwise it is going to be very quiet at the recreation ground next week. Come on Whitehaven lets show some spirit today.

Offline mr hopefull

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Reply #1 on: 22 Jul 2007, 12:20:20 pm
yes i think we will perform 100% better than last week,,,the players pride was shattered at blackers,,i'm expecting them to right that wrong today,,,,,reckon there will be approx 200/300 there today,,,,,,but next week we are away at halifax

Offline toddy

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Reply #2 on: 22 Jul 2007, 12:43:48 pm
Is there to be a change in the sides performance today, or not, That is the question of loads of the fans today ?

I do not think personally there will be that much of an improvement today sorry." I hope I am wrong " If there is and Whitehaven can do something today, It will just make you wonder even more what the hell is going on with them. How can a week make much difference. It is still a mystery to me what happened last week. How can you be in the top 3 in NL1  and play that bad. I hope they take a half decent bunch of supporters with them too, because nothing will be more demoralizing to them by lack of support. But saying that even if they take 1000 fans with them, they will still be drowned out by the vikings. Just hope they can do the club proud today. Otherwise it is going to be very quiet at the recreation ground next week. Come on Whitehaven lets show some spirit today.

Seriously, of course they will lift a gear as any team does after a hammering, the rest your talking out of your a@#$! Yes im sure a part time team with limited money would be at the top the whole season in formula 1 or any sport!  ::)

Offline JamEater

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Reply #3 on: 22 Jul 2007, 01:13:24 pm
Is there to be a change in the sides performance today, or not, That is the question of loads of the fans today ?

I do not think personally there will be that much of an improvement today sorry." I hope I am wrong " If there is and Whitehaven can do something today, It will just make you wonder even more what the hell is going on with them. How can a week make much difference. It is still a mystery to me what happened last week. How can you be in the top 3 in NL1  and play that bad. I hope they take a half decent bunch of supporters with them too, because nothing will be more demoralizing to them by lack of support. But saying that even if they take 1000 fans with them, they will still be drowned out by the vikings. Just hope they can do the club proud today. Otherwise it is going to be very quiet at the recreation ground next week. Come on Whitehaven lets show some spirit today.

Seriously, of course they will lift a gear as any team does after a hammering, the rest your talking out of your a@#$! Yes im sure a part time team with limited money would be at the top the whole season in formula 1 or any sport!  ::)

Go on then marra, Where am I talking out my a?#e. Please enlighten me. You seem to be the I know everything about Rugby and about Whitehaven on here. So please let me know what I have said that it seems to have came out of my backside according to you.
If you can tell me whats rubbish I will take it back, what ever I have said that makes you so mad. Cheers

Offline toddy

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Reply #4 on: 22 Jul 2007, 01:19:06 pm
You mean besides anyone lifting after they have been hammered?? or the rest!  ::)
Unless something goes amiss, it will be a much more even game marra!

Offline JamEater

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Reply #5 on: 22 Jul 2007, 04:16:49 pm
You mean besides anyone lifting after they have been hammered?? or the rest!  ::)
Unless something goes amiss, it will be a much more even game marra!

Your one very angry man ain't you. For what reason can I ask?

Offline HavenWarrior

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Reply #6 on: 22 Jul 2007, 04:42:40 pm
A team maybe does lift after a hammering, but where does that leave the supporters who travelled enmasse to Blackpool last week.

Today back on normal winning money, they knock their pans in, but last week that werent happy with ?750 to win they wanted more. Some of them want to take a long hard look at themselves, 3 points today means nothing really, we are not going to SL in the forseeable future, a Cup Win last week would have been better.