But Mr Robinson has rubbished reports the club has already broken its ?400,000-plus salary cap, claiming several players took wage cuts to stay at the Jungle while others turned down improved offers in a determined attempt to join the Tigers' Super League push."In my role it's been easier for us to recruit because players know this club has ambition. There's a vibe around the joint, we've got a great support base and a new stadium on the way. The players know they've got a great opportunity of playing Super League."That's the difference to this time last year when although we had 15 players, the reality of it was that only two were Super League quality. Terry brought the quality out of them during the year."Other than four of five who already have deals for 2008, everyone in this squad is playing for a contract the following year. I'd like to think the side we've generated is a fringe Super League side - every player has the ability to play Super League, which means we can look at exceptional quality the following year.
Oh my god Cas haven't been relagated for 2 minutes and already the pussy cats fans are invading our board. Talk about chips on the shoulders. Wonder how many ?'s this years salary cap will be getting breached by ?Monte
at least we don't get relegated every season
How old are you doe's your Mummy know your on the computer
Quote from: HavenMascot on 10 Nov 2006, 04:51:02 pmat least we don't get relegated every season i would rather get relegated then not ever being premoted for having a crap ground